Online Incentives Program


Below is a summary list of the online incentives currently available to LAS faculty members. For additional information, please refer to the complete document. Requests for funding will generally go to the faculty member's department first, but for departments without online fee money, requests will then be made to the college. Instructions for making requests are at the bottom of this page.


  • While fully online courses incur online course fees and are eligible for these stipends, the Online Fee Committee nonetheless recognizes that hybrid courses still have significant online course development, technology, and training needs, and leaves it to the discretion of department chairs to approve the use of online fee funds to support those courses.
  • All tenure-track and instructor-track faculty members are eligible for these incentives. Lecturers must have taught at least five courses within the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, and furthermore must meet approval of the department chair and the dean.
  1. Incentives for development/improvement of online courses
    1. The Faculty Resource Center’s Teaching Online Program (TOP) consists of four badges, each of which pays a $2000 stipend upon completion:
      1. Online Course Design
      2. Design with Accessibility in Mind
      3. Online Facilitation
      4. Design for Quality Assurance
    2. Note: Three of the badges—Design, Accessibility, and Facilitation—can be taken only once. The FRC highly recommends choosing one course to design and develop for upcoming online instruction as you pursue these three badges. The fourth badge—Quality Assurance—replaces QM certification and may be completed for multiple courses. The Quality Assurance badge is reserved for courses that have either been taught online at UCCS at least once or developed as part of the FRC Teaching Online Program. Quality Assurance course reviews are limited to one per academic year per faculty member except at a department chair's discretion.
    3. Another note: Badge completion must be verified by submitting proof to Lily Cosgrave. Refer to this tutorial on how to save your badge as a PDF file.
    4. Training stipends must be tied to the teaching of an online course by the instructor requesting the funds. The request can be made up to a full year before the course is taught.
    5. For Teaching Online Program requests, download this form, fill it out, save it, and email it to Lily Cosgrave.
  2. Technology
    1. In order for online funds to be used for technology, items must be purchased through UCCS. Requesters should consult with the OIT Help Desk to configure their system before submitting the request for approval.
    2. For Technology requests, download this form, fill it out, save it, and email it to Lily Cosgrave.
  3. Teaching Assistants for online courses
    1. For TA requests, download this form, fill it out, save it, and email it to Lily Cosgrave.
  4. Travel
    1. A maximum of $1500 per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) for travel to an academic conference in which the applicant must attend one or more sessions of significant length that specifically address online pedagogy in an extensive way. Written justification must be included in the request as to how this session(s) would help the applicant improve the quality of an online course(s). Required in the justification is the length of the session, the session description as given in the conference program, and the type of session it will be (panel, lecture, roundtable, etc.). To be eligible for reimbursement, the dean must approve the travel stipend before the conference.
    2. For Travel requests, download this form, fill it out, save it, and email it to Lily Cosgrave.
  5. On-campus Workshops/Other
    1. Upon approval by the dean, departments may offer a $500 stipend for faculty members who facilitate an on-campus, college-wide or department-specific workshop to enhance online teaching. If you are receiving funding for the workshop from another source you are not eligible for funding from the online fees incentive.
    2. Requests for online fee funds to be used for other items, not addressed above, shall be considered on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the department chair and the LAS Online Fee Committee, and require approval by the dean. Written justification must be included in the request as to how this is an associated instructional cost for online course delivery.
    3. For Workshop/Other requests, download this form, fill it out, save it, and email it to Lily Cosgrave.

For questions regarding these LAS Online Incentives, please email David Anderson, chair of the LAS Online Fee Committee.

Instructions for Submitting Requests

  • Forms must be completed and sent for signature using Adobe Sign.
  • Once submitted, your request will go through the appropriate approval process (which may include your chair, the Fee Committee chair, the dean, et al.) You will receive an email when the approval process is complete.

For questions regarding the submission of requests, please email Lily Cosgrave.

Last updated June 28, 2024