LAS Committees
Committees within LAS
- Ed Hoang (SS) 2026
- Colin McAllister (H/A) 2026
- James Kovacks (NS) 2027
- Amy Klocko (at-large) 2025
- ** Justin Filla (Admissions Office)
** Chair of Committee
Committee Description
The Admissions Committee serves as an advisory body to the Faculty of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences (LAS). The duties of the Admissions committee are to review student applications (Freshmen and transfer students) to LAS whose qualifications do not meet the criteria for guaranteed admission, to decide on admission on a weekly basis in cooperation with the Office of Admissions and Records, and to determine conditional admission requirements for individual students or groups of students.
- ** Kevin Tvrdy (NS) 2025
- David Weiss (NS) 2027
- Shannon Michaux (NS) 2026
- John Harner (SS) 2025
- David Havlick (SS) 2026
- Susan Howell (SS) temp AY 24-25
- Stephen Carter (H/A) 2026
- Christina Jimenez (H/A) 2027
- Samantha Christiansen (H/A) 2026
- Andrea Williams (classified staff)
- Rose Johnson (classified staff)
- Genia Olesnicky (ex officio)
- Sherry McDonnell (LAS recording secretary/finance rep)
** Chair of the Committee
Committee Description
The Budget and Planning Committee will advise the Dean on matters concerning budgeting priorities, and also on matters relating to long term planning (growth projections, FTE distribution, etc.). The committee will review and discuss the annual budget proposal before submission to the VCAA. The committee would act as the principal advisory board to the Dean in any situations of fiscal crisis, including potential financial exigency.
- ** Carole Woodall (H/A) 2026
- Helen Davies (H/A) 2027
- Curt Holder (NS) 2025
- VACANT (NS) 2027
- Susan Howell (SS) fall 2027
- Steven Pittz (SS) fall 2025
- Maj. Erin Pace(MS)
- Minette Church(ex officio)
- B. Mann. S. Garland, K. Arzuza(Academic Advising)
- TBD (LAS Student Rep)
- Erin Klein (LAS recording secretary)
** Chair of the Committee
CAP Meeting Schedule
Currently via Microsoft Teams; 8:15-9:30 am Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.
Committee Description
The Committee on Academic Progress is a review board that handles student petitions for exceptions to the academic policies and requirements of the College. The committee is made up of faculty of the College, and makes recommendations to the Dean.
- Course Inventory Form
- LAS Curriculum Change Forms
- Archived Minutes - For more information contact the C&R committee.
- **Crystal Vander Zanden (NS) 2026
- Anatoliy Pinchuk (NS) fall 2027
- Phillip Haisley (H/A) 2025
- **Barb Headle (H/A) 2027
- Aaron Corcoran (at-large) fall 2027
- Janice Thorpe (SS) 2026
- Kimbra Smith (SS) 2027
- Minette Church (ex officio)
- Carolyn Daley (ex officio)
- Larry Eames (library ex officio)
- Lily Cosgrave (LAS recording secretary)
- VACANT (LAS student rep)
Meeting Schedule, Spring 2025, 8-9:30 am via Microsoft Teams:
- Jan. 22nd
- Feb. 19th
- Mar. 19th
- Apr. 16th
- May 7th
Committee Description
Curriculum and Requirements committee (C&R) reviews all new LAS courses at the undergraduate and graduate level and provides advice and guidelines with respect to new academic programs and LAS degree requirements. Recommendations of C&R are submitted to the faculty for final approval as specified in LAS Policies and Procedures.
- ** Robert Gist (NS) 2027
- Lisa Durrenberger (NS) 2027
- Kacey Ross (H/A) 2027
- Suzanne Cook (H/A) 2026
- Laura Austin-Eurich (SS) 2025
- Janice Thorpe (SS) 2025
- Christy Lofton (at-large) 2025
- Deann Barrett (ex officio)
- George Rus (ex officio as needed)
** Chair of the Committee
Committee Description
The Dean’s Instructors Review Committee (DIRC) is a standing committee of the College of LAS which assists and advises the Dean of LAS in:
- the review of dossiers submitted for consideration in the promotion of Instructors to Senior Instructor, including the recommendation for or against promotion, and
- the numerical scoring of Instructors/Senior Instructors’ performance as part of the annual merit/salary review process.
- The DIRC may have other responsibilities as requested by the Dean of LAS and is expected to act as a resource to the Dean in Non Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) issues.
Members (DRC for RPT)
- ** Farida Khan (SS) 2025
- Michele Companion (SS) 2026 {Rex Welshon sub 24-25}
- David Weiss (NS) 2025
- Ron Ruminski (NS) 2027
- Katherine Mack (H/A) 2026 {VACANT sub 24-25}
- Lesley Ginsberg (H/A) fall 2027
- Fred Coolidge (at-large) 2026
- Deann Barrett (ex officio)
Members (DRC for AMR)
- Curt Holder (SS) 2026
- Connie Staley (SS) 2027 {Diep Dao sub 2024-2025)
- Bob Camley (NS) 2026
- Paul Harvey (H/A) 2027
- Ann Amicucci (H/A) 2027
- Kay Yoon (at-large) fall 2026
- Deann Barrett (ex officio)
Committee Description
The Dean’s Review Committee is composed of tenured associate and full professors from the college, department chair and primary unit evaluation committee chair, its job is to assist and advise the Dean in personnel matters. Every candidate must have a primary unit evaluation committee consisting of at least five members of the candidate’s department or related departments if the department is too small. Units may specify a smaller number of members of the Primary Unit Committee in their approved unit criteria, but in no case can this committee have fewer than three members. The chair of the primary department is responsible for providing candidates with a copy of the primary unit’s “statement of criteria, standards, and evidence” during the first semester of appointment.
- Jen Kling (H/A) 2027
- **Evan Taparata (H/A) 2026
- Al Schoffstall (NS) 2026
- Elise Naughton(NS) 2027
- Leilani Feliciano (SS) 2027
- **Farida Khan (SS) 2026
- George Bayuga (at-large) 2027
- Minette Church(ex officio)
- AJ Vafiades (LAS recording secretary)
- Brenda Cruz (LAS Student Rep)
** Chair of the Committee
LAS DEI Council Mission Statement
The LAS DEI Council is committed to making the UCCS College of Letters, Arts & Sciences an inclusive, equitable, and collaborative space to learn, teach, work, discover, and thrive. We seek to foster a college climate in which all members of the LAS community feel respected, valued, and empowered to engage in the life of the college. Through putting forward various policies and procedures, supporting hiring and retention initiatives, collaborating with other committees and offices regarding DEI issues, and measuring the College’s progress toward its DEI goals, the LAS DEI Council serves as a powerful ally to colleagues affected by all forms of bias, racism, and structural inequality.
Student Fee Template - Academic and Mandatory
- ** Tara Cepon Robins (SS) 2025
- Sam Christiansen (H/A) 2027
- Rebecca Laroche (at-large) 2026
- Janel Owens (NS) 2025
- Minette Church(ex officio)
- Jeremy Click (LAS recording secretary/finance rep)
- Samrawit Kopessa (LAS Student Rep)
- VACANT(LAS Student Rep)
- VACANT(LAS Student Rep)
** Chair of Committee
Committee Description
The Fee Advisory Committee reviews department proposals to request new mandatory student fees or to increase, decrease, discontinue or change the original intent of an existing fee. The committee will make recommendations to the UCCS Board of Regents for its final review and approval.
- ** Dave Anderson (NS) 2026
- Suman Lakkakula (NS) 2027
- Edgar Cota-Torres (H/A) fall 2027
- Ann Amicucci (H/A) 2025
- Janice Thorpe (at-large) 2025
- Maja Krakowiak (SS) 2026
- Laith Al-Shawaf (SS) fall 2026
- George Rus (ex-officio)
- Lily Cosgrave (LAS recording secretary)
** Chair of the Committee
Committee Description
The Online Fee Committee is advisory to the Dean on matters concerning disbursement of both the College’s and the Departments’ portions of online fee funds. The Committee will create guidelines for the distribution of these fee monies, and establish an LAS Online Incentives Program with defined categories of requests for expenditures of these funds. Some requests require only approval of the LAS Faculty Program Planning Specialist and the Department Chair, others may require additional approval of the Dean, and some may require approval of the Committee. The Committee will act as the principal advisory board to the Dean on these matters.
- **Sam Christiansen (H/A) 2025
- **Carole Woodall (H/A) temp ‘24-25
- Andy Klocko (NS) 2027
- David Weiss (NS) fall 2027
- James Baginski (SS) 2027
- Heather Albanesi (SS) temo 24-25
- Tara Cepon Robins (at-large) 2025
- Genia Olesnicky (ex officio)
- Erin Klein (LAS recording secretary)
** Co-chairs of the Committee
- Amanda Morgenstern (NS) 2025
- Christine Biermann (NS) 2026
- ** Paul Harvey (H/A) 2026
- Evan Taparata (H/A) 2027
- Steve Bistricky (SS) 2025
- Tara Cepon Robins (SS) 2027
- Genia Olesnicky (ex officio)
- Margie Oldham (LAS recording secretary)
** Chair of the Committee
Committee Description
The Research Committee’s primary purpose is to maintain, and where possible, improve the quality of research and creative works within the college. It is charged with developing measures for improving faculty and student research and establishing a program of faculty development. Also responsible for awarding the annual LAS research award.
- **Colin Wren (SS-TT) 2027
- David Mullin (SS-IRC) 2026
- Peter Braza (NS-TT) 2027
- Eric Billmeyer (NS-IRC) 2026
- Kimbra Smith (H/A-TT) fall 2027
- Gina Baldoni-Rus (H/A-IRC) fall 2027
** Chair of Committee
Committee Description
The Grievance Committee is composed of tenured faculty from the college, its job is to consider information provided by the grievant and the Dean’s Review Committee and to make recommendations to the Dean. (None of the members of the Grievance Committee can be members of the Dean’s Review Committee.)
- AJ Vafiades
- Kim Uhl
- Tim McDonnell
- Ashley Beushausen
- Jamie Pressley
- Margie Oldham (LAS recording secretary)
Committee Description
The LAS Staff Advisory Committee’s primary purpose is to maintain, and where possible, improve the quality of communication between staff and faculty within the college. The committee is also responsible for awarding the Annual LAS Staff Outstanding Service Award.
- **Edgar Cota-Torres (H/A) 2025
- Gina Baldoni-Rus (H/A) 2027
- Katherine Cliff (NS) 2027
- Emily Mooney (NS) 2026
- Janice Thorpe (SS) 2025
- Esther Lamidi (SS) fall 2026
- George Rus (ex officio)
- Margie Oldham (LAS recording secretary)
** Co-chairs of the Committee
Committee Description
The Teaching Committee’s primary purpose is to maintain, and where possible, improve the quality of undergraduate instruction within the college. Also responsible for awarding the annual LAS teaching award