Kimbra Smith, Ph.D.

Kimbra Smith, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
COLU 2025B
COLU 2025B

Professional Summary

Dr. Kimbra Smith (PhD University of Chicago 2001; AB Princeton University 1992) is a cultural anthropologist with longstanding interests in both archaeology and applied anthropology. She has been conducting research in Ecuador and Peru since 1991, and currently works primarily with coastal Ecuadorian indigenous communities. Dr. Smith's research looks at the complex processes of producing collective memory and developing strategies that enable communities to negotiate around and within oppressive political and economic systems. Her research interests include the anthropology of (local) knowledge and the production of authority; the interrelations of history, memory, representation, and power; and the implications of performance, constructions of interpracticality, and interpretive drift for practice theory.


Spring 2022 Schedule

  • Mondays and Wednesdays --- LAS Dean's Office (10-3)
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays --- Please email


Responsible for faculty affairs and College administrative concerns, including but not limited to: creating and promoting faculty development opportunities (teaching, research, service, leadership, RPT); leading Chairs and Directors training and advisement; providing College-level approval for grant and contract applications and awards; working on strategic messaging and outreach initiatives promoting LAS and its programs; negotiating community partnerships and collaborations; leading DEI initiatives and policy development; working on the College strategic planning process; serving on BAM Support Unit Committee; overseeing office and lab space for faculty and staff; supervising LAS IT professional; resolving faculty complaints; assisting to resolve conflicts involving faculty, staff, and students; serving as ex officio member on the following committees: Teaching; Research; Online Fees; Policies and Procedures; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.